Chow Tsz Wa

Visual Arts
Photo of Chow Tsz Wa
Artwork (photography) photo 1 of Chow Tsz Wa
Artwork (painting) photo 1 of Chow Tsz Wa
Artwork (painting) photo 2 of Chow Tsz Wa
Artwork (calligraphy) photo 1 of Chow Tsz Wa


Tsz Wa, a student of Sam Shui Natives Association Lau Pun Cheung School, loves to obtain inspirations from things surrounding her, such as the cat in her home and the slice of life with her family.


In the future, she hopes to advance her painting techniques and share more of her likings through the drawing pens, colours and drawing papers.



 Merit Award (“The Contemplative Cat”), “Cross All Borders: Hong Kong Festival Showcasing New Visual Artists with
 Disabilities 2012” (Youth Division), Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong



 “Festival of Inclusive Arts 2013”, Inclusive Arts Exhibition, ADA